How to Write Search Engine Optimized Articles

How to Write Search Engine Optimized Articles

Article marketing is turning out to be one of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your website or blog. However, simply crafting an article and publishing on the internet will do you no good.

You must pay attention to writing articles that get you attention from the search engines. No one can doubt that search engines are the key for getting the exposure that you need for your website. However, when you intertwine both article marketing and SEO, the outcome will take your breath away. There are a lot of article marketers who have seen consistent feedback simply because their articles are being ranked by the search engines for their targeted keywords.

Long Tail Keywords are a Must: Any expert at SEO will tell you that targeting long tail keywords and phrases is an absolute must. The reason long tail keywords are so effective is because they are very specific in nature. "Dog training" for instance, has a broad focus but "how to train your dog in a week" is a long tail keyword that really narrows the scope. When you start writing your articles around such keyword phrases, the chances of attracting targeted traffic increase because first of all, there are less competing sites, and secondly, long tail keywords make more sense to the user that's searching using them. Your Title Needs to Relate to the Article: The title is vital to your article and it is incredibly important that it is in line with the rest of the article. Make sure that your title is specific and relates to the main body of the article. Use the main keyword and get creative but never forget that the title is the first thing potential readers see when the search engines bring up your article in results so if the title isn't relevant to the article you won't have my blog a good response to it.

Write for Humans: Being excited about the search engines is fine but never forget that the human readers are the most important. If your article isn't helpful to the human readers and doesn't make a lot of sense, then there's no use of getting ranked in the search engines for your targeted keywords because after all, it's the people reading your article that will benefit you. Your main objective needs to be finding a balance between what the search engines want and what your readers like to see. try here

Now that you've learned what it takes to write articles with a solid SEO focus you need to learn how to use that to attract the audience find you want. Ranking well in the search engines means wider exposure for your articles. It will take some time before you can become an expert at SEO based writing but that effort will pay off well for you. Many writers online are struggling to get readers because their SEO efforts have been so poor.

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